Will my data be private and safe?

Updated on: February 8, 2018

LogiNext is committed to the protect and secure its customer’s data in the seamless integration of applications. However, access management of individual accounts is at the discretion of businesses that own the accounts on LogiNext products.

Access to the data on production servers is strictly non-permissible to LogiNext Employees or any other third parties. LogiNext’s products require only limited customer information like Name, registered company domain’s email address, Postal address and Phone number.
Additionally, the other two kinds of data that LogiNext maintains is the Application or the system logs and the customer transaction data. All the data is stored in the Amazon’s state of the art cloud computing platform, AWS.

The security standards of AWS applies to the application as well. The internal servers of the application are hidden from the external world via AWS Security Groups (Firewall). LogiNext ensures that the integrity and protection of customer’s data is robust and most secure by adopting data isolation methods such that each customer login is be able to see only his/ her information.

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